Monday, 29 March 2010


We went for a big walk on the estate at Blickling Hall yesterday and ended up with a visit to the second hand bookshop.

I was so excited to find this gem of a book for the bargain price of £1.80:

 Can't wait to start using it for inspiration and advice. It might be 60 years old, but is full of great tips & straightforward instructions & diagrams - I really love Gladys already!

One of the reason's I like old books is that they often have inscriptions like this one. I only wish I knew the name of the person George gave the book to. I'm hoping it was Florence or Vera like my grandmothers, & I'm imagining what she might have made when she received this lovely book!

1 comment:

  1. How nice of George to have been so thoughtful of Florence or Vera or whomever was the recipient ..lovely blog post Sam..and hope you continue to enjoy Gladys's book.. and as I haven't been in the UK for quite a few years it is always nice to hear of weekends visits to estates like Blickling...
